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[heavy] security intelligent terminal market development

Time:2016-03-23    viewnum:3768    

In perfecting the mobile terminal industry chain in China in recent years, support research and development of core skills, standards, brand cultivation achieved positive results, 2014 domestic brands smartphone market share reached 78.3%.Millet, huawei, lenovo brands such as smart phones into the global market, even the appearance of the product in short supply.
With intelligent terminal especially smart phones, 4 g and WiFi network popularization and cover large area, and the mobile Internet rates declining, weibo, games, film and TV of all kinds of Internet applications such as moving to the intelligent terminal, accelerating the development of the intelligent terminal APP.In addition to entertainment games application, APP security applications also gradually entered People's Daily life.Especially with the rapid development of our economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, people's security consciousness increasingly strengthen, security monitoring leads to gradual increase demand, coupled with the recent security network process speeds up, gave rise to the APP security applications based on intelligent terminal, after recent years of development has gradually penetrated into all walks of life, then also lifted the bursts of security market, become each big security providers, manufacturers, operators, platform and more third parties to carve up the "cake".
At present, the intelligent terminal APP security applications mainly intelligent household, video monitoring, entrance guard channel control and so on, the user is mainly concentrated in the business class and civilian class these two non-professional area market, as some small and medium enterprises, the shop owner and home users, with the help of a smart terminal can real-time browse family or terminal shops camera image, also can realize remote control, video storage, capturing images, etc., convenient and quick grasp the dynamics of the focus area, so that to respond in a timely manner.Analysis according to the personage inside course of study, the future still possible to penetration, covering industry or more users, especially with the continuous development of mobile Internet technology, the intelligent terminal APP security application prospect will be very optimistic.
An intelligent terminals, security market development background
(a) the social background of the development of security intelligent terminal market
In recent years, under the national policy vigorously support, peaceful city, safe communities and wisdom city project in all parts of the country was deepened, the national security concept has been formed.For the rapid expansion of domestic security market laid a solid mass base.
(2) security technical background of the development of the intelligent terminal market
3 g, 4 g and 5 g network, as well as security the development of the domestic market to provide a certain technical support.
The progress of network technology, break through the bottleneck of wireless bandwidth and up to 2 MHZ bandwidth, Internet speed reached 3.1 million per second.When use, users can rapidly receive images, music, video, and other forms of information, but also by mobile phone or mobile terminals to view real-time dynamic images, the user use is very convenient.In daily application, when the thief theft when no one in the home, the system signals can be timely and automatically to plot the monitoring center, at the same time, through the way of mobile short message, email, or telephone inform the user, making it easy for users to take corresponding measures in a timely manner.
(3) the security application background of the development of the intelligent terminal market
Cost reduction is also provided opportunity for the development of the domestic security industry.In recent years, under the joint efforts of professional manufacturers, and carriers, network charges cut continuously, the investment of mobile video communication cost less and less.Cost reduction of mobile video communication is catering to the demands of the family monitoring market, to popularize and apply for related products has laid a solid foundation.
Industry in the expert analyzes believed that personal family application is given priority to with the general public, it is the market potential is immeasurable.At present, the home monitoring system popular in Europe and the United States and other developed areas, the public video monitoring, video monitoring and industry formed in the field of monitoring the situation of the three pillars of video monitoring.At present, the intelligent home security market has just opened, the industry is still in its infancy, is yet to be developed.Traditional video communications companies, security companies and operators to see the industry a good momentum of development, actively promote the industry to move forward.
At present, the home monitoring market gradually prosperity, security products in protecting family safety, crime prevention has played a role cannot be underestimated, family security market has huge potential demand.After a period of development, the market will be like Europe and the United States and other regions, grow the main sales market for video surveillance products.
Second, the enterprise security intelligent terminal market competition situation
Operators, security vendors, platform providers is the main distribution enterprise intelligent terminal market.The so-called industry chain, in brief is composed of several complementary enterprises combine to provide customers service business model.In terms of intelligent terminal APP security applications, industrial chain by hardware manufacturers, software vendors, operators, platform providers, household square, merchants, building and other third parties.These members close cooperation, complementary advantages, has formed a benefit-sharing, risk-sharing chain relationship.The industrial chain of intelligent terminal APP security application pattern can be summarized as the following three categories:
(a) operators dominant industry chain mode
The rapid development in recent years, China's security monitoring market, attracted China telecom, China unicom, China mobile communication enterprises such as big push into.The three major telecom operators through the value-added services and security industry convergence, basically have introduced based on their standard mobile phone video monitoring business.Typical business are: China mobile manufacturer in the field of family security "G3 big eyes" and "small pupil", China unicom in the field of traffic can "road", etc.Main profit is for the government, industry customers, large enterprise customers the three types of video monitoring customer service, clients include public security, quality inspection, security, education, etc., large enterprise customers mainly refers to the construction site, mining, petroleum, banking, insurance, manufacturing, etc.In recent years, with the cloud computing technology matures, commercial penetration and application of gradually increased, and broadband telecommunications operators are gradually increasing in wisdom city in areas such as investment, are trying to establish a unified cloud computing platform, security and a series of business."In addition, operators also bear the bandwidth available for intelligent terminal APP security applications support role, at the same time, some will choose to cooperate with security manufacturers, through the rent server platform operators, the intelligent terminal, apple yuntai terminal registered to the server, using the network platform and server platform."In order to form a complementary advantages, cooperation and win-win situation.Introduced some smart appliances will cooperate with telecom, unicom, through binding sales way, which is selling mobile phones and binding family security.
(2) security vendor dominant model of industrial chain
We have learned, at present most of the security application software is developed by security companies, such as access control, video monitoring software, and then upload it to the platform provider for the use of the broad masses of users to download.In this kind of development model, security vendors carry the protagonist.But due to the current domestic user consumption habits and consumption concept and foreign users are different, most accustomed to using free software.And once launched charging software, is bound to have a rival for free software, will affect its market coverage and customer usage.In order to adapt to the development trend of the market, most current security vendors are free of intelligent terminal software, providing users to download to use need not pay, only produce the cost may be traffic fee.From the current situation of the development of the market at present, simply by providing security applications little or zero profit.
Is only auxiliary software, intelligent terminal software to profit by other means, such as the APP security applications into adsense AD code, with advertising alliance "hits" profit, and then divided into from advertising alliance."Part of security vendors will find another profit growth point, with a number of stores to in-depth cooperation, cooperation pattern mainly has two kinds, one is shopping mall managers need to pay for a certain software, security vendors to attract the mall merchants to advertise on this kind of software, and then will return to part of the profits to the store managers; one is the manufacturer completely free software for the use of store managers, and all subsequent profits shall be owned by the security vendor. Through the above ways to complement the lack of profit in the free software. There are also some security vendors will separate intelligent terminal product development, namely the collection itself security and function of intelligent terminal, completely don't need to use other intelligent terminal can realize functions such as intelligent household, entrance guard control. And some property developers, real estate developers, market management, such as cooperation, to gain profit. For now, this kind of product in the professional market development to a certain extent, but there is relatively little home users and individual users.
In the industrial chain mode, security vendors is not only the application software developers, is a producer intelligent terminal products.Future to long-term foothold in intelligent terminal APP security market, also need to play to the advantages of itself continuously, and market segments, to provide users with personalized products or services.
In this industry chain model, the operators as a provider of intelligent terminal APP security application, directly to the user to provide security business APP, and to provide data transmission, the server platform of network service providers.At present, the operators how to rely on their own customer resources and network resources, vigorously promoting drive smart terminal APP security application, is to maintain in the intelligent terminal operator APP key security application control.

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