After-sales Policy

Thank you for choosing BLIY products, in order to allow you to enjoy BLIY timely and comprehensive after-sales service after the purchase, especially the development of the following services policies, we will use our dedication, sincerity and professional from your worries.


Product type Service Policy Product Series
Switches three-month replacement three-year warranty S7500,6500,S6200,S5500
one-year replacement three-year warranty S5300, S5100, S4500, S3500, S3100, S2500, S2100, S2000, S1800, S1700,S1500, S1200
POE Products three-month replacement three-year warranty P1000, P2000M, P2010M, P2000W, P3000, P3008M, P3000M, P3010M
three-month replacement one-year warranty PD500, PSE500
Routers one-year replacement three-year warranty RE series, RN series
WAN port expansion products one-year replacement three-year warranty E-24WAN
Wireless Products three-month replacement one-year warranty WA2301, WA2302, WA1151, P51, P61, P62
Security Products one-year replacement three-year warranty F5600
Accessories three-month replacement, three-year warranty Gigabit Ethernet, high-speed cable Gigabit and 10-Gigabit module (SFP +, XFP), Gigabit module (SFP)

After a period of time when the failure to use ordinary gigabit fiber jumpers, double armor gigabit fiber jumpers, fiber jumpers ordinary Gigabit, Gigabit dual armor fiber jumper is not involved BLIY service policy.

2.The terms of service

OZ: product purchase equipment performance problems arise related to the replacement period, after BLIY company or the relevant certification agency staff acknowledge the fault was detected, and the appearance of no scratches, complete package, free replacement of the same model or with the product performance quite new. The replaced defective spare parts owned by BLIY companies.

Warranty: product purchase equipment performance problems arise in the relevant warranty period, after BLIY company inspectors to confirm the failure to meet the "maintenance free" and will repair the product for free and replace the faulty parts.

Maintenance fees: there is a device performance issues related to product purchase warranty period, after BLIY company inspectors confirm the failure, do not meet the "free repair program", and the product will be a paid service.

Lifetime Maintenance: Since the warranty period to discontinued products, BLIY company responsible This item lifelong paid service.

Free Download:we developed a series product upgrade package, product information, user manuals, product announcements, frequently asked questions, solutions and other information will be released the first time in our official website, you can be on en.szbliy.com technical support, download the latest information about the purchase of equipment. You can also contact our technical engineers (SKYPE:kyleyoung100996@outlook.cm;Gmail:kyleyoung100996@gmail.com), we will be happy to serve you.

3.The following does not belong to the scope of free maintenance and replacement

★Use of the environment does not meet national standards, such as over-voltage, over current, lightning, high temperature, humidity, vibration, etc.;

★Unexpected factors or human behavior causes damage to the product, such as water, mechanical damage, broken, rusted or heavily oxidized product;

★Failure to use instructions require installation, use, maintenance, storage product malfunction or damage;

★BLIY without the permission of their own inherent change settings file or virus damage caused by product failure;

★BLIY non-authorized service companies and related institutions disassembly or repair;

★Unauthorized alteration, deletion or product barcode serial number;

★Product warranty card product barcode or type does not match with the product itself;

★Application maintenance product model or serial number does not match with the actual return;

★Beyond replacement, the warranty period;

★Rework his way back to the customer due to shipping damage, caused by loading and unloading;

★Product failure or damage due to force majeure such as earthquakes, fires caused;

★Failure or damage to other non-product itself design, technology,   manufacturing, quality and other problems caused by;

4.In particular

All products, maintenance products for the products referred to in the host, supplied packaging and gift items (power cord, cable, external connectors, and other information and CD-ROM) is not covered under warranty, but if used for the first attachment after purchase when there is a problem, it can free replacement. The need to add packing, accessories, or renovation needs, it will charge a cost.

Service Policy described in "replacement / warranty period" means the following dates were beginning within several days.

       ⑴ BLIY product from the date of delivery;

       ⑵ BLIY through authorized dealers for the purchase of the product, not later than the date of shipment date BLIY within 30 days at.

Under normal conditions of use of the product specification, hardware warranty period appear process or quality problems and provide depot repair services BLIY after receipt of the application period for the BLIY service center within 10 working days after receipt of the device. BLIY the right to decide on the defective unit for repair or replacement process, the replaced member owned BLIY all faults. BLIY will try to enable customers to receive repair devices within 10 working days, the actual time restricted the customer's location and logistics may vary.

For the repair / replacement of products, from the date of shipment from BLIY with warranty period of three months, if the remainder of the original product warranty period longer than three months, places the original warranty period shall prevail.

For product when sold separately agreed on the terms of service, the company confirmed to BLIY contract.

BLIY not stored in its products or to provide other forms of product-related customer data guarantee, customers need to be responsible for their own data backup to prevent loss.

Other non-commitment agents BLIY guarantee to you to make the Division I does not undertake any responsibility.


For commercial and fitness for a particular purpose under warranty and liability arising from trading, application and business contacts generated in the process: In addition to the terms expressly stated otherwise, any express or implied warranty or guarantee BLIY not be provided.

BLIY not guarantee its software is completely bug-free, it does not ensure that customers in the operation of the software will not encounter any problems or interruptions.

BLIY partners or suppliers and should not therefore warranty the following responsibilities: the unit does not use or business interruption caused by the loss of customer data and cause any direct or indirect economic losses. In any case, under the form of a clear agreement including the case of contracts, BLIY maximum amount of compensation for loss of customers due to their responsibility lead to the customer is not higher than the purchase price paid for the device.

For customers using a variety of non-fault BLIY factory produced Gigabit NICs, cables, modules and rework caused by, for example, servers and switches crashes and slow performance, BLIY will refuse to accept and provide technical support. Please note that all levels of agents Gigabit NICs, cables, module model and serial number.

6.Maintenance mode

When you purchase a product fails, rely purchase invoice and warranty card and other valid credentials to the place of purchase requirements apply on behalf of product replacement / warranty service agents on behalf of clients to apply BLIY offices or headquarters replacement / warranty. When you are unable to contact the dealer directly with the time to be in our offices around the customer service department or company.

For compliance with the provisions directly replace ment of new products, agents can give customers direct replacement of new products, and other agents that would otherwise be after replacement repair parts in BLIY give customer replaceable.

Maintenance period in the agents will send repair parts to BLIY freight borne by the agent, BLIY the replacement / warranty after product issued by a freight agents BLIY. Out of warranty repairs of products from the freight borne by the agent.

Final interpretation, the right to amend any of the content owned BLIY

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